Monday 24 September 2012

Start of residential term

The residential students arrive today for the start of their training.  I am reminded of some wisdom from Bishop John Pritchard: always remember that ministry and priesthood is much more than a set of competencies.  No accumulation of skills impresses God.  God is interested in the heart of the priest, more than how impressive his or her CV seems.  But remember that theological study is not a distraction from your heart – it is food for it.  Study is important for one’s formation. And it takes some time to align the study and the worship; the practical and the theoretical.  But they all belong together, even if at first you can’t see the wood for the trees.  Trust me when I say that working through this is well worth it.  It brings wisdom and perspective; with depth and joy.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately they're pretty keen on accumulation of skills in IME 4-7!
