Friday 5 October 2012

Almost There

After just over a year of building, we are almost there!  I am pleased to say that work is progressing extremely well in Harriet Monsell House, and that we hope to have use of the new building very shortly.  The Sisters will hopefully be able to move in later during October, which we greatly look forward to.  This is a major development in the life of the community, and we will be celebrating the opening of the new Lecture Theatre in Harriet Monsell House on Saturday 3 November.  The Bishop of Gloucester, as Chair of Governors, is going to give the inaugural lecture to commemorate the 350 anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer, entitled “Incomparable Yet Insufficient - The Book of Common Prayer Today".  This event will also include the conferral of Honorary Fellowships on the Revd. Robbin Clark, Mr. Michael Young and the Revd. Prof. Mark Chapman.  The afternoon will conclude with a Sung Choral Evensong in the church, led by the Choir of Trinity College, Oxford; and then the day will be rounded off with the annual Village Firework Display.  The Edward King Chapel has been progressing well too, and we remain delighted with the quality of the workmanship and the appearance of the building.  However, it is a complex project – a stunning space for worship, as well as a highly unusual design and shape.  We are now looking at dedicating and blessing the chapel at the commencement of Hilary Term in January 2013.

In formation and training, we are often conscious of how we are all work in progress.  And that what God does with each and every one us is never fully completed.  But in being built up – as individuals and as a body – we are also asked to be ready to serve.  And that is what these buildings will do in a few weeks.  Become ready to serve.  I keep a door stop in my study on the fireplace.  A reminder that we are always to be open to God; and always to be hospitable and open to the world.  The doors of the new Chapel and new Education Centre are now fixed.  May they, like us, always be open, and ready to serve.

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